Monday, November 14, 2011

Long Time, No See!

Well I have definitely not been on here in a LONG TIME! Things have been very very busy with me lately. I have moved in with my mom and am still working evenings at Kohls. I am trying to get a full-time job at Minnieland so that I can work with younger children and take Johnny to work with me! Once I have a full time job, I am going to try and rent out my friend's house. Her name is Kelsey and she has a baby boy named, Tanner :) It would probably just be us in the house (which is newly renovated!) so I think that would be awesome.
Things have been going great with me and Jeff! He was going to propose to me for Christmas but we talked about it and we decided to wait. Things have been pretty rocky with us this past month especially so I just think it would be best to wait until we are 100% okay.
I am finally done with going to court with Johnny's "dad." He lost his rights to visitation (thank GOD!) and he is supposed to be paying child support every month....of course I have yet to see a penny....I have just put it in God's hands and I just pray that everything will go smoothly when I get married to Jeff. We want to get married within the next year or two and when we do, he will adopt Johnny and his dad will sign over his rights. His dad has another kid on the way that is due next month. All I can do is shake my head at him and his new girlfriend...He can't do anything for the child he has now, so why does he think he has any business bringing another baby into the world? I said, everything is in God's hands. My son and I are being taken care of and that's all I could ask for. I wish the best for Johnny Sr and his new family but I am beyond thankful that he is out of my life for good and I can move on.

Okay, I think that's enough for now.

Until next time... :)

PS: who else is thankful for these GORGEOUS autumn colors?? Definitely my favorite time of the year <3

Me and Johnny at the pumpkin patch :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

So much to do, so little time!

Goodness gracious, I have had so much going on in the past few days! I have worked every day except for today. I worked Friday night. On Saturday, I took Johnny to my mom's house and met Jeff at Panera. Then we went to see Fast Five (which was great!) and then we picked up Johnny and I went to work. On Sunday I just worked the whole day. Today I hung around the house doing homework and went out and bought some new work shoes. I realized this morning that I had an assignment due on Saturday that I had not done. I just now turned it in two days late. Blahhh. Oh well.

I have been looking on my facebook, and everyone is getting married and having kids! It is definitely making me want to get married and have more kids. Johnny is almost two so he is not a little baby anymore. He's a toddler who is quickly turning into a big boy :( I am just craving to have another baby and to marry Jeff but the time is just not right yet. SO much on my mind but I have barely had time to sit down and think about everything or even talk to Jeff about everything! I hope things calm down soon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th!

Okay well it might be Friday the 13th but today has been completely normal :) I have been at the house all day with Ryan, Emily and baby boy. I just turned in my homework assignments that were due today and now I am just doing a little bit of relaxing before I start getting ready for work. I was supposed to work from 7:30pm-11:30pm but my manager called me this morning and asked me to come in at 5 so I'm going to be working an extra hour and a half. It's a Friday evening so we are definitely going to be busy! 
I just wanted to take this time to say that I am so in love with my little boy, Johnny :) He just lights up my world and I love him more than I have ever loved anyone before. Seeing him smile, just instantly puts a smile on my face. I had him when I was 17 so it has definitely been hard raising him while still being a teenager in school. I think I have adjusted well to this completely different lifestyle though. It has been hard work but it has been more than worth it. I wouldn't trade my life for anything. I have my son and my wonderful boyfriend, Jeff, and I am good to go! I love you boys :)
 me and my sweethearts :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Well today I took Emi and John over to Katie's apartment to help her start on her packing. We packed up most of her dishes, all of her movies and took everything off of the walls. Johnny got really tired while we were there so I laid him down for a nap on Katie's bed. Emi and I ended up going home and Katie is going to bring Johnny here when he wakes up. I was thinking that this would give me some time to get some homework done but for some reason, my school website is not letting me access my class page! So I am just relaxing while emailing back and forth with technical support. I put some laundry away when I first got here so I have a little free time before baby boy gets here. It is a rare moment when I can just relax and know that I don't have anything to do (besides my schoolwork, but hey I can't exactly do that right now). I am very excited for tomorrow because it is not only my last day of my drafting class but my boyfriend, Jeff, is coming over for breakfast in the morning :)


Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011

Well today was a pretty good day besides the fact that I wasn't able to go anywhere. I played outside with Johnny for a while this morning. Rhonda and Dan have done a lot to the yard over the past few weeks so we have had a lot to do out there. He laid down for a nap after lunch and pretty much stayed outside for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I am taking him and Emi over to Katie's to help her pack. I'm pretty nervous because I am still not completely comfortable with driving that car. It is a manual while my last car was an automatic so I'm praying that everything goes okay! I would love to start biking up again. I need to lose a few pounds and just tone up so I think biking is a must! Well I am off to do some homework. Blahhh.